4 Motors for Europe – Italian Conference Milan
The 4 Motors for Europe Italian conference was held in Milan on May 20 and 21, 2019. The conference was opened by Eng. Bruno Finzi, President of Milan Board of Engineers and Eng. Ambrogio Girotti welcomed all the guests with an introduction of his own.
During the conference, each 4me group presented its own talk that focused on a specific topic, in particular the Milan group talked about the education of professional engineers in Italy, the Barcelona group talked about the regulation of the engineering profession, the Lyon group talked about ethics regulations in the engineers field, and finally, the Stuttgart group talked about visibility of 4 Motors for Europe.
The Education of Professional Engineers in Italy
The Milan group speech focused on the Italian higher education structure and strategies, insight into “how to become a Professional Engineer” in Italy. The group talked about the structure of the Professional Orders system, Continuing Professional Development and certifications of expertises.
Several topics were touched upon during the Questions & Answers session, for example PhD, major fragmentation, women presence in the engineering field, relationships between Provincial Boards and University, Bologna structure for study cycles in the engineering field and the important of Professional Engineers expertises certifications readable all around Europe.
In relation to the Bologna structure for study cycles in the engineering field, Spanish group suggested it would be useful for Bruxelles to identify Bologna Process strong and weak points.
The Regulation of the Engineering Profession
The Barcelona group speech started with an overview of European countries different regulations scenarios for the Engineering Profession, then the speech went ahead with a detailed discussion and working session about the “Declaration of Bruxelles” draft.
The aim of the declaration is asking for a common lifelong learning system (CPD) and a common certification system of expertises that allow us to build a truly professional space for Professional Engineers throughout the European Union, expressing the need for a single public-private entity that ensure their implementation.
Ethics Regulations in the Engineering field
The Lyon grouped talked about the different ethics regulations systems among the 4ME regions, speaking about the presence of different Deontological Codes and Ethics Commission.
In relation to the ethics course, there is a different structure in the 4ME regions, indeed in Italy there are 5 hours of mandatory courses before enrollment in the Provincial Board of Engineers, while in France and Germany there are not compulsory courses. The Lyon group proposed to work on a proposal for a shared deontological Code in order to bring it to Bruxelles and during the conference it was decided that the Milan Ethics Committee and the Barcelona Board will contribute to this work.
During the Questions & Answers session, issues related to the difference between ethics and ethics were touched upon, and discussions were held regarding the future implications of ethics in machine control.
Visibility of 4 Motors for Europe
The Stuttgart group speech focused on the visibility of 4 Motors for Europe. There was a session related to logo and name proposals for 4ME Engineers. Then, it was discussed the importance of an improved communication about 4ME activity inside the four regionals Boards/Chambers.
Finally, it was defined to organize a joint congress in the Baden-Wurttemberg House at EXPO2020 in Dubai and a panel discussion in Bruxelles with EU politicians and officials.
The conference closed with a final decision: the next year the 4ME conference will take place in Barcelona in May 2020.
The Round Table – 21st May 2019
On 21st May 2019, the round table was held and the main themes of discussions was
meetings frequency of 4ME Engineers, actions to take to achieve 4ME goals, organization of Bruxelles Meeting and goals of the Bruxelles Meeting.
In relation to the actions to take to achieve 4ME goals, it was decided to use social media to speak about the project. Also, it was decided to create a subarea dedicated to 4ME on our organizations website, and, finally, it was decided to organize a joint congress at EXPO2020 in Dubai.
The Round Table decided that the Bruxelles Meeting will be held on 11-13 February 2020 and that the goals of the meeting are: bring forward a proposal for a common European expertise certification system, in order to move the first steps that lead to the creation of a truly professional space for Professional Engineers. Certification should become mandatory to apply for European calls for tender.
Leisure activities
Extra entertainment activities were organized at the Italian conference in Milan, in particular, it was organized a private visit to the Galleria del Vento at the Bovisa Campus of the Polytechnic University.