Common Positions

As a network of four strong regions, one of the main contributions of the Four Motors for Europe to European affairs is materialized by regularly addressing common positions on key EU policy initiatives, as well as other political declarations and positions signed by our presidents or line ministers.


Analysis of the Covid-19 situation, consequences for the mobility sector and countermeasures​

The four regions agree that the Covid-19 crisis is a complex challenge for society, politics and economy in Europe. However, it also offers a perspective for innovation in new areas of green mobility. A pan-European market with restructured, abundant and fully operational European supply chains will allow leading European regions like the Four Motors for Europe to emerge stronger from the crisis and to enhance the overall green mobility.


Common Declaration on Strategy for an enhanced governance

After having celebrated their 30th anniversary in 2018, the strategy renews the commitment of the four regions to collaborate. The new strategy at the same time paves the way for future common action in fields of shared interest and defines new modes of governance.


Common position on strengthening EU quality policy in the context of the Common agricultural policy​

The Four Motors position paper demanding a strong and effective EU quality policy to enable the EU to preserve typical and traditional regional food, and advocating to  strengthening their cooperation in shaping the EU quality policy. With the aim of promoting and using protected geographical indications and designations of origin, both within the EU and towards non-EU countries


Four Motors for Europe’s contribution to the future of the Cohesion Policy

The Four Motors for Europe wish to reaffirm their commitment to a genuine and concrete contribution to the EU multilevel governance. The Four Motors for Europe consider the regional policy as an essential tool to foster European territorial cohesion, as well as crucial investment policy to maintain the global competitiveness of the continent, and that further investments should be made on this policy.


Position of the Four Motors for Europe on the Next Framework Programme for Research and Innovation

Four Motors shared within this position paper to the EU their findings on the implementation of the Framework Programme for Research and Innovation and to communicate their proposals for the post 2020-period: the need for the EU of a strong research and innovation policy focused on strategic investments involving all academic, economic and territorial stakeholders.


Four Motors for Europe Joint Declaration on the occasion of the meeting of the presidents

The Four Motors for Europe reaffirmed their commitment to actively support a strong role for regional governments in terms of implementations of European Union strategies and internationalisation of their respective territories. The four regions are committed to facilitating the creation of cooperation platforms by expanding the network to other international partners.


Common declaration on Setting the Direction for the Future on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the Four Motors for Europe

The Four Motors agree on a roadmap to confront the challenges and opportunities on its 25th anniversary. They claim for democratic legitimacy and citizen participation within the EU, climate and environment protection, economic, research and innovation cooperation, a focus on social, labour and health policy as well as education and training and youth, sports and culture joint efforts and willingness to enhance their already existing cooperation.


Common Declaration on Cohesion Policyy, 2020 Horizon and Agricoltural Policy

The Four Motors for Europe signed three position papers pointing out the three main common interests of the four member regions

  1. Cohesion Policy
  2. 2020 Horizon
  3. Common Agricultural Policy.


To highlight the visibility of this Common Positions, an event was organised where the papers where delivered to representatives of the European Parliament (related commissions and EP from member regions) and to the head of cabinet of the Political Regional Commissioner Johannes Hahn.

Common Position on Cohesion Policy
Common Position on 2020 Horizon
Common Position on Common Agricultural Policy


Commitment on the Memorandum of Intent signed in 2009

Four Motors for Europe and Four Motors of Mercosur signed a Common Declaration highlighting its commitment on the framework of the Memorandum of Intent signed in 2009. The Declaration aspires to provide a frame for joint projects and exchange of best practices.